Saturday, 31 August 2013

Update - end of Aug 2013

They are just the sweetest little sweety-pies. Finn is walking. He walks like a zombie with his arms out, he takes tiny steps and kinda rocks from side to side as he goes from right foot to left and back. His toes are pointed outwards. But he is getting better every day. Olivia is almost running. We got her real shoes. Finn still needs soft-leather shoes as he is still learning the basics of walking and he needs to feel the soles of his feet on the ground. They love going to a playground/jungle-gym type thing at a park or at the elementary school across the street from where we live. They can climb up the staircase and then with help they can slide down a little slide. They love puddles and dirt. There is a basketball court that teenaged boys use near the little playground at the elementary school. Olivia seems to really want to play basketball. She keeps trying to get in on the game. The twins are interacting a lot with each other. They still really like headbutting. I think a head-butt is a very strong expression of love and playfulness in baby language. They'll headbutt each other while they're laughing and they also pet each others heads like they pet the cats. (it's more of a repeated slap, sometimes it's too hard) They have been more cuddly lately (I hear) but I miss their most cuddly time because I get them later in the day when they are more, well, their good mood is diminished when I get them. (pout) I am very jealous of the other caregivers getting their more golden moods (Grandma, Grandpa and David) But I do get cuddle time sometimes and it's WONDERFUL. Olivia still likes dancing and is developing new moves. Finn likes it too, but he is better at seat-dancing at the moment. They both say "ba" for ball, with clear meaningfulness. Finn likes to drop things outside the baby-fence, and then he feels sad that he can't play with it anymore. I've been reading my textbook for my child & adolescent psychology class, and I guess at this point he can't grasp cause and effect, so that's why he keeps doing this thing. So we end up with a baby cage (it's a palace really) that has this grey plastic fence surrounded by a ring of toys which they can see, but not reach. Silly boy. He does it dozens of times a day. Peek-a-boo is fun and now they do it (the face hiding) with a hat. cover their face and then show it and then cover. Giggling! It's getting cooler, so I'm enjoying the increase in the clothes options we have. I didn't realize how fun it'd be dressing them up. That's all for now.

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