Hello people of Earth. We in baby-land have been ticking along pretty tickety-boo. You know how it is, sleep, baby, eat, clean puke/poo/pee/drool, stroller, groceries, outing, physiotherapy for baby related body-collapse, play with toys, listen to music, etc.
I have been taking advantage of more things available in the community, like the baby section of the library: "baby-time" which is singing songs with other cohorts of Finn and Olivia, and the baby section, including books, DVDs and CDs. So far the big surprise is how much they love classical music. They bop on their butts (sort of) to the beat.
Today we all three went to Tims and they sat in highchairs and "ate" a half a doughnut each, I had my one necessary coffee. It was pretty damn cute. They are pretty good at drinking water out of a bottle too (although Finn preferred milk thank you very much). Then we went through the back of the mall to Minoru Park where they have baby-swings. So I did my first time with 1 Kate 2 babies swinging. It actually works fine, it's just tricky doing the transition from stroller to swing, I hate having my back to a 10 month old in a swing.
The babies are as cute as ever, charming people left and right, Finn is more consistently charming with strangers, Olivia's usually a little hesitant and watchful, but the occasional smile emerges, usually when it's just her and I shopping. Finn can be in his "neutral" mood, where he's just super relaxed and just stares at people, even if they smile at him, but he will often just grin, especially at the ladies.
They are both teething hard-core right now, Finn has 3 top teeth that are almost ready to pop out, very swollen and red, Olivia won't let us near her mouth as usual, but she's displaying lots of symptoms. They are crying or whining more often, poor things.
Olivia is super fast at crawling, and likes it when we "chase" her. She laughs and breathes hard and just flies! So fast. They are both starting to like the game where they pass you something and you say thank-you and then give it back and then it repeats. They think it's funny to offer me their food and I bite it.
They are eating everything as usual, lately, broccoli, carrots, watermelon, frozen-fries for teething, Finn loves sweet stuff, especially yogurt, we gave him apple-juice for the first time today and he turned into an apple-juice junky fast: gimme more! right away! PLEASE!!! I think we need to make that a rare feature of his menu. They both love strawberries and eat them whole, taking bites out of them like they are apples. We had home-made pizza today for dinner. They have breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa and they said they enjoyed liverwurst with them.
Olivia has a special place she has designated as her "poo place" (so smart this girl), so after she goes to that spot I can change her right away, keep that skin clean.
They are starting to like books more, although they usually give up and move on to something else before the book is finished. (and these are short board-books)
Olivia loves her stuffies (stuffed-animals), loves. She has many favourites, Winnie the Pooh, Quatchie, Monkey, etc. She hugs them with wild glee and love. It is very cute. (she never hugs me like that!) Finn has no time for these things and tosses them away with disdain. He is much more into hitting stuff, or hitting stuff with other stuff, anything that makes a cool noise. Olivia can spend time just putting a teether in a certain small space and picking it up and putting it back, in a studious kind of way.
They both think the cats and dog are very interesting and they enjoy watching them, and everything they do. I really think, as annoying as caring for three animals has gotten (while caring for the babies), their presence has really enriched the lives and brains of these two kids.
Average day: They are taken to grandma/pa's house from 7-10:30am and then put to bed for their first nap back at home by 11am, second nap is around 3pm. We do some kind of outing (usually just me - mom - plus one or two babies), either before or after the second nap, we play in the living-room with the toys, we eat dinner around 6:30, they have a bath, then they go to bed around 8pm.
Olivia has continued to show us who she is: extremely smart, extremely stubborn, fierce and amazing. She has the best proud face, it's one of my favourite expressions. Sometimes her facial expressions will be so pure (happiness, pride, excitement) - the feeling of love I have for her is like a stab in the heart. What a girl. Scary smart, powerful, wow. Olivia sometimes cries in her crib, when she doesn't want to go to bed, and it's the cry of someone being tortured, but she can turn it on and off in an instant. It is pure show, pure (dare I say it of a baby?) manipulation. She is very strong, very strong, and changing her diaper can be nearly impossible the way she writhes and screams and twists.
Finn is a sweet-natured boy. His smile is so wild and excited and happy and big! He sometimes does a shy smile with others where he looks sideways at them, smiling and then looks down. He can get so excited he starts jumping wherever he is. He wants to be happy and so complains very little, and when he does it's usually for a short time. But if he starts crying in his room, in his crib, it can be real heart-felt sorrow and he gulps air and it can take a few minutes to calm him and comfort him. His feelings are true and deep.
Oh, they are both doing lots of babbling that sounds like talking, but without the words, they often seem like they mean something, we just don't know what. I can't wait to start being able to communicate with them with words.
I'm tired from all this writing now! I hope I've done a decent job of capturing the different aspects of living with these two angels/monsters. Like I said to someone who said the twin baby-care schedule sounded like jail: but with the cutest darn wardens you ever did see.
Here's a video of the two of them interacting face to face, no twin-speak yet, but here you go:
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