Sunday, 18 November 2012

to antibiotic or not to antibiotic

The bogeyman in the corner is autism. There are some who say that antibiotics are in some way related, maybe causally, to autism. I don't know if that is true. I also don't know if that would be true in the case of a mom who takes antibiotics while breast feeding. Nobody knows what causes autism, and it is so common now, it is like this scary monster under the bed. I am afraid that if I have a child who has autism, I am afraid that I will blame myself.

I have taken antibiotics (orally) twice for an ear infection. Once the doctor said it was an ear canal infection and used drops. I went back to the doctor (a different doctor) and he said the infection was still there. He said I need to take antibiotics (oral) again. He also gave me a nasal spray to help clear the "material" from the ear.

So here I am, I filled the prescription, My ears still ache, deep in there. I haven't taken anything yet.

Other (minor) concerns: 1. Finn's stomach seems to react badly to the antibiotics 2. the last antibiotics made me feel very tired and headachy

Today this issue was hard to ignore because of the crappy way I was feeling. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better.

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