Monday, 26 November 2012

No Video for now, unless I find a workaround

Google Video Stops Accepting New Content

This weekend, many blog owners are discovering a possible change in Google service.
I cannot upload videos to my blog, and I get an error message.
Sorry, there was an error uploading your video. Please contact support and include the following information:
Blog Id:99999999
Video Id:

This would suggest that Google finally decided to end the schizophrenic confusion of Google Video vs YouTube, and go with YouTube for non business video hosting.

Right now, some blog owners will be using Learn how to upload your videos to YouTube. You can add your video to a gadget, or to a post, if you can host your video with YouTube.

Blogger is working on the problem, as you read this. If you're seeing this problem, and a choice of post editor version is optional for you, try using the new post editor, to upload videos.

Friday, 23 November 2012

My girl is tongue-tied

I visited the lactation consultant at BC Women's and Children's hospital. She watched me feed Olivia and attempt to breast feed. She said she might have a posterior tongue-tie. I'm not sure there's anything that can be done about it but it explains a lot. She needs a particular type of nipple to feed successfully. She hasn't had much success breast feeding. She isn't gaining weight quite as fast as I'd like. She's still only 11 lbs. I'd love it if the doctor said there was an easy fix for this condition that would make it easy for her to eat (and breastfeed)!

Here's a link that gives information and shows pictures of these "sneaky" tongue-ties.

It's not showing up as a link, I'm not sure why.

Another great site: (Olivia: check check check)

In the (above) blog it says:

Identifying and Diagnosing a Posterior Tongue Tie
The following symptoms have been noted anecdotally by mothers of babies diagnosed with a posterior tongue tie. Remember that not all of the symptoms must be present in order to be considered a posterior tongue tie. There are varying degrees of ties.
  • Inability to achieve latch to bare breast
  • Clicking noises while sucking, more notable during bottlefeeding
  • Loss of latch on breast or bottle nipple
  • Loud gulping noises
  • Choking on milk or gasping for air mid-feed
  • Short and frequent feedings (grazing/snacking)
  • Noticeably strong suck
  • Decreased saliva production
  • Inability to effectively remove milk
  • Milk dribbling out of the mouth during feeds

Sunday, 18 November 2012

to antibiotic or not to antibiotic

The bogeyman in the corner is autism. There are some who say that antibiotics are in some way related, maybe causally, to autism. I don't know if that is true. I also don't know if that would be true in the case of a mom who takes antibiotics while breast feeding. Nobody knows what causes autism, and it is so common now, it is like this scary monster under the bed. I am afraid that if I have a child who has autism, I am afraid that I will blame myself.

I have taken antibiotics (orally) twice for an ear infection. Once the doctor said it was an ear canal infection and used drops. I went back to the doctor (a different doctor) and he said the infection was still there. He said I need to take antibiotics (oral) again. He also gave me a nasal spray to help clear the "material" from the ear.

So here I am, I filled the prescription, My ears still ache, deep in there. I haven't taken anything yet.

Other (minor) concerns: 1. Finn's stomach seems to react badly to the antibiotics 2. the last antibiotics made me feel very tired and headachy

Today this issue was hard to ignore because of the crappy way I was feeling. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better.

Monday, 12 November 2012

brain fog

I need to cut down on my Internet/Facebook time. I am using this computer to go into a kind of trance. La La La Zombie AAAARLGH...

Saturday, 10 November 2012

mornings with goofballs

Mornings are the best. My babies are morning people! How is that possible? They both squeal and smile and laugh and talk a lot in the mornings. I love this cuddle time.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Baptism and Halloween

I'm exhausted today. Thank goodness for my mom and David, I was just

 (haha that's all I wrote!)