Finn and Olivia are great. They walk and run so well I'm thinking off putting them on ice! We have to learn to skate some time, why not now? No course for me now, it's hard to find anything that's available in the evenings that will help me get where I want to go. Olivia is really into drawing/colouring now, she concentrates really hard and makes a little O with her lips or sticks her tongue out. It's very cute. And the like to colour things on the page, not random scribbling, that's more Finn's domain.
They both really like cutlery and can drink from a regular cup, if they choose to, but often Finn decides to move on from that to creating soup of various kinds using his dinner. Everything goes into the cup and then everything goes on the floor.
They both still love swimming, but rarely get into a pool bigger than the bath because recreation centres don't seem to like working moms, all the pools (and rinks) are booked up with lessons all week long.
I am tired and that's probably why I don't update very often.