Monday, 15 July 2013

Olivia dancing to her favourite song

July 15th Update (Olivia's walking and Finn's allergic to lettuce)

Oh so much happens every day! On Saturday we went to the Khatselano music festival downtown. It turns out Olivia loves hard-core rock! Seriously, like scream-core, she was pumping her fist from the stroller! I was like: "what?" It was hilarious. Olivia's walking a lot now. All the time. Yesterday she walked across a whole field. Finn's still crawling. They are not even 1 year old yet, so I think that's early for Olivia, but I'm don't care about milestones as long as they are in the ball-park of doing the right stuff. Other parents see her walking so well and they start to confess to me like I'm some baby-walking guru. They say "Clara didn't walk until 16 months". I feel strange. Like, who cares? Their happy, healthy, they do things in their own time.

Let's see, we got a big bunch of wonderful hand-me-downs from Amy and her daughter Clara.

I love this shirt, and her smile.

Doesn't Olivia look cute? I like her eyes here.

Finn in his blue period. Sad artist! First finger-painting for Finn. The painting turned out great. We should get a shot of the art. It's on Grandma and Grandpa's wall! It was grandpa's birthday present. I think this was still in the middle of Finn's virus. He was sick for quite a few days. It was hard to keep him happy. But his personality is such that he always tries to be happy no mater how crappy he feels. What a champ!

You could look at this and think he looks glum. But look again, he's actually a gangster. "Yeah, what? I'm a bad mama-jama."

Olivia at the park!



Finn had his virus for a long time. He had a fever at first, then this awful rash. We took him to the hospital, but they said that this rash is a classic symptom of a baby-virus. He was much better the next day.

Olivia looking at a plane!
(cement + stairs = a mother's nightmare)

Cutie. I love dressing her up!

We had hamburgers last night for dinner! Yum.

Finn had a contact reaction to the burger on his face and his belly, so we did a skin test with each element on his back. It turns out... drumroll...he's allergic to lettuce! Crazy. I've never heard of this. We tested it twice. Organic romaine lettuce. His skin even peeled a little on the site of the contact, like a sunburn.