Friday, 28 June 2013

Olivia Loves Tomatoes

Events Occured.

  • Uncle Fred and Auntie Sandra visited the babies! It was great.
  • We went to Victoria and saw all the Petter relatives. It was great and exhausting.
  • Olivia is taking more and more steps every day.
  • Finn is working on his throwing skills.
Above is a cute video of Finn and Olivia in the kitchen sink.

Also: I want to give a shout out to Michelle and Michael. I finally saw Michelle again after not seeing her for forever. That was awesome, and her handsome hubby Michael is very charming!

Mashed Potato Baby
The ferry on the way back had an awesome play area for kids! We met another set of twins too!
I love that smile!
Sailing together.
Uncle Fred & Finn

Olivia and Aunt Sandra

The Best Nanny: Jess, Now a Good Friend!

Monday, 10 June 2013

Little Update

Little update:

After the fun visit to Stanley park and how eager my two little ones were to jump in the ocean, I took them both to the swimming pool. Well, I took one, got changed, got in, played around, got changed, drove home, took the other one, got changed, got in, played around, got changed, drove home. The lifeguard told me how to put them under water without getting water in the wrong places. It was actually really obvious, but I hadn't thought of it. You just say 1, 2, 3 (to warn them) and then dunk the baby, but pulling them through the water so as to have the water flowing over their faces downwards. So the water flows over their nose and not in. It worked like a charm. They are both pretty happy in the water!

Olivia has made it her mission to stand on her own and tries over and over. She's getting better at standing for longer periods. She loves walking with parent's fingers. She has what David calls "a Kung Fu grip". I swear she could break my fingers off!

Finn is teething hard core. For the longest time he had only two on the bottom and then he popped 1, 2, 3 more on the top, and almost number 4.

Aunt Anne came to visit and we went for a walk in our nearby park with the babies and the dogs!

Finn was cold one early morning so I dressed him all in sweater. So cute, my boy.

This is us (minus me) in Costco. That place is stressful.

Happiness is two sleeping babies

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Stanley Park beach time with Oli

A whole lotta photos...

Up close with Finn:

Fun with Finn and the bathroom mirror:
Bath time with Oli and Finn:
Stanley Park beach time:
Stanley Park grass time with Oli and Finn (and Hazal and Esen):
Swings! (Hazal and Esen):

Swings! (Oli and Finn go twin style):
Wind! (and bye-bye from Finn):