Friday, 26 April 2013

Bad Dog & Update

OK computer
is refusing to upload a couple of pics. So I'll give a textual update.

  • The dog attacked the Diaper Genie and strew disgustingly dirty diapers all over the floor in the living room, pictures to follow! (I bet you can't wait) and so I had to clean that up and then I had to clean up the dog. (hose and shampoo)
  • We are nearing the return of both sets of grandparents. How dare everyone leave us! It will be so nice to have everyone back. (my parents: gone for a month, David's parents: gone for 18 days)
  • Olivia and Finn are really enjoying walking holding onto our fingers. O takes these huge goose-steps, it's pretty funny. (video to follow)
  • Tonight we had chicken fingers, fries, cucumber and banana. It was delicious.
  • I finally went to "baby days", to meet other moms etc., it is this community health centre thing. I went with both babies, and that was a mistake. I will try again next week with one.
  • We watched a film noir movie with Ryan Gosling and Josh Brolin. It was good. I want to go live there. All the snappy one-liners and style and simple violence.
  • I went and got a brace today for my thumb/wrist, apparently my double-jointed thumbs have some weird physiology. The Physio was a little fascinated by my deformity. This should help me with all the lugging around my 21 lb boy.
  • I think Finn does have red hair.
  • Their eyes are getting more blue, less gray.
Here's a pic of the bad dog mess:

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Jess's Presents Fit!

Mom stop taking photos and put me to bed!
black tutu/leggings combo

union jack sweater

Monday, 15 April 2013

Olivia can climb up on things.

Here's a shorter video that features Olivia's climbing skills. Here she's with dad.

Here's a long video that features Olivia's climbing skills. (expert climbing at 4:53) Here she's with mom.

Thursday, 11 April 2013


Yesterday Olivia (in baby carrier) I went to Stanley Park with Essen and Hazal. It was amazing. We saw swans, big turtles, blue herons, another big bird that I don't know what it was, ducks, geese, racoons, squirrels, and Olivia touched sand and saw the ocean! It was really windy, but also sunny.

Today Finn (in baby carrier) and I went downtown to hang out with Koji and Mimi. It was fun.  It was sunny and warmer than yesterday. We walked around the water by Yaletown.

I have lost (for the millionth time) the charger for the camera. It gets moved when we aren't using it, and then when we need it a few weeks later, we can't find it. I'm sure it's David's fault. (ha ha)

I have 23 library books 3 days overdue.

I am so glad I have been getting out of the house lately to see friends.

I will tell this blog, because I don't want to brag in public, even though I think my friends have some of the cutest babies ever made, my two are the cutest, sweetest, smartest babies ever in the history of humankind. I love them so much and miss them whenever I'm away from either one.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Comments Available Now/ Pizza Eating Epic Movie

So I finally figured out that it was practically impossible to leave comments on my blog because of the settings. So I changed them. So, comment away all my millions of fans!

As promised, the pizza video. It's rather long, but you may enjoy it!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Standing at the Gate

Update: we survived the weekend without anyone dying, and without killing each other. That was the goal, so pats on the back all round.

We had pizza tonight, the babies loved it (video coming). Although we had a stern chat about how this kind of non-nutrition will be the exception rather than the rule at this house. The previous night we all had: trout, rice and peas. The pizza was more popular.

Mad Men was on TV for, like, 2 hours. That was awesome!

We visited with Farfar and Farmor. They are going to Denmark for 2 weeks, so we'll miss them too! They really love the babies so much! It is wonderful to see them interact with my Finn and "Little Miss".

(Why does the keyboard keep trying to be French?)

This shows 2 cuties standing at the gate, holding on, like they're in jail.

No comments

I never get any comments. Hello - o - o -  Echo - o - o - Is anyone there?

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Facebook Status Update

Olivia is a strange bird. She coughs, but not for real, it's just her new sound. Also, she likes head-butting. If you head-butt her back (like head to head), she smiles and acts like you kissed her. Also, she says "dada" all day but not "mama", what's with that?

Friday, 5 April 2013

Oliva Can Go Upstairs

Olivia can go upstairs, pretty fast. David says Finn can too with a little support. I took a video, but it has this giant woman in it, and I can't view it. Maybe later.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Hoppy Easter!

New Nanny

Hi Y'all.

We have a new nanny and no (daily) grandparent support for one month! They were coming 4 hours a day 7 days a week. (lucky us) The new nanny started yesterday and she comes 3 hours a day 5 days a week.  She started yesterday. She is a handsome woman from Manila, The Philippines. She is in the live-in-caregiver program. She was working for a relative taking care of 3 children for over a year, but they were not treating her fairly so she left. It must have taken a lot of guts to do that. The first day was fine, she needed guidance, but I'm sure we'll get there. Unfortunately, I have been fighting off a yucky gastrointestinal bug for a few days and yesterday David started experiencing the symptoms. I am very tired. I know it seems like it should go without saying, but I guess it's relative. We will be fine (don't worry mom), we just need to hunker down and get through this week. I'm starting to wonder if I might get more energy when I stop breastfeeding. I have a feeling I may be experiencing the lower hormone (estrogen?)as a result of breastfeeding more than some women, just like I had really high hormone levels and side-effects during the pregnancy.

7:34 Finn is wriggling on dad. I am pumping and blogging. (the babies LOVE the pump and I can't have them near it because they'll pull the tubes out and get their fingers squished in the mechanism)

VIDEO of Finn:

Finn is smiling SO BIG! Yesterday too. He was laughing so much and and so loud! It was great. Olivia's being very difficult to put to sleep. We just gave up yesterday during the second nap. She seems like she is 100% muscle. When we try to put her in "arm swaddle" she writhes and back arches and cries like she is being tortured. You wouldn't believe the sound. Screaming that is BEYOND WORDS. And she can keep it up for a long time. And then she woke up after one hour and David had to put her down again, star from scratch. You'd think after no nap she'd stay asleep! Anyway. 3 steps forward 2 steps back. Or 10 steps forward 2 steps back or...whatever. Every day's different.

Mostly they are gorgeous angels. We had a great visit at Farfar and Farmor's house for Easter dinner. It was really nice! We did learn when we got home that we have to be strict about the leaving time, because they don't do well with any schedule change. But the visit itself was pure fun. I love showing them off. I love seeing the love in the eyes of my in-laws when they look at my babies. They really love them! Especially, when I see Farfar look at Olivia. I think, "that girl owns his heart".

Andy (nanny) will be arriving soon (10 minutes).