is refusing to upload a couple of pics. So I'll give a textual update.
- The dog attacked the Diaper Genie and strew disgustingly dirty diapers all over the floor in the living room, pictures to follow! (I bet you can't wait) and so I had to clean that up and then I had to clean up the dog. (hose and shampoo)
- We are nearing the return of both sets of grandparents. How dare everyone leave us! It will be so nice to have everyone back. (my parents: gone for a month, David's parents: gone for 18 days)
- Olivia and Finn are really enjoying walking holding onto our fingers. O takes these huge goose-steps, it's pretty funny. (video to follow)
- Tonight we had chicken fingers, fries, cucumber and banana. It was delicious.
- I finally went to "baby days", to meet other moms etc., it is this community health centre thing. I went with both babies, and that was a mistake. I will try again next week with one.
- We watched a film noir movie with Ryan Gosling and Josh Brolin. It was good. I want to go live there. All the snappy one-liners and style and simple violence.
- I went and got a brace today for my thumb/wrist, apparently my double-jointed thumbs have some weird physiology. The Physio was a little fascinated by my deformity. This should help me with all the lugging around my 21 lb boy.
- I think Finn does have red hair.
- Their eyes are getting more blue, less gray.