Monday, 31 December 2012
Update (5 months+8 days)
- Olivia turns over from her back to her belly many times every day. Finn can't do that yet.
- Finn can bounce and jump in his Jolly Jumper or in the Jumperoo, Olivia can't do that yet.
- They both smile a lot now.
- Finn laughed first, and giggles more (still uncommon at this point), Olivia laughs a little but it's very rare. (video above this post)
- They are both ticklish and we can use this to get giggles out of them. (Kiss attack)
- They both grab pretty well now, especially my hair!
- Olivia discover her feet first, two weeks later Finn discovered his. They love grabbing their feet, so I cut off the feet on one of Finn's sleepers.
- They love playing with anything that makes a crinkly sound.
- The swing is still fun, but they are starting to prefer more active stuff like the Jolly Jumper.
- Olivia can get out of a swaddle better than Finn.
- Olivia is so stubborn! If she wants to do something she'll never give up. Determined.
- They both drool so much. It's unbelievable. Olympic, world-class drooling.
- As a result of the drooling, Finn makes a gargling sound when he lies on his back. He just lies there and gargles away.
- They sleep in separate rooms upstairs, still swaddled.
- They nap at 10 am and 2 pm and then in bed at 8 pm. They wake up many times through the night (3 times) but just to get food. They get up sometime between 6 and 7:30am usually.
- They are both in a lot of pain right now with the teething. We use Tylenol, Hylands Teething tabs, anything that might help. Tylenol helps a bit, but they are still in pain a lot. I am dying for them to get those teeth!
- Olivia has an appointment on January 3rd to get her under-tongue snipped. We hope she'll gain weight fast once eating is easier.
- Finn had physio-therapy weekly for his crooked neck (congenital torticollis). He hates the stretches we have to do with him. We stopped doing them while he had his cold.
- They are still on only breast-milk, mostly expressed. Finn breast-feeds occasionally but Olivia can't due to her tongue-tie.
- They both went bald in one little patch on the back of their head where the head lies on the mattress.
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Finn Can Jump!
Jolly Jumper fun! Finn is good at jumping. I figured out a way to post video here, via You Tube.
Let's see if it works. 2 videos:
Let's see if it works. 2 videos:
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Finn got a fever of 39.3 C (or 103 F). We went to the ER with Olivia. That was two nights ago, in the middle of the night for 3 hours. His temp. is normal now, 2 days later. I was already sick, now Finn and Olivia are sick. David's been doing extra because of this, and now that we are starting to get better, David is feeling terrible.
Even so, I'm glad Finn isn't feverish anymore. I was worried. This afternoon, I walked Jack, fed him, did my last Christmas Cards, pumped, ate dinner and took care of both babies.
I'm tired.
Even so, I'm glad Finn isn't feverish anymore. I was worried. This afternoon, I walked Jack, fed him, did my last Christmas Cards, pumped, ate dinner and took care of both babies.
I'm tired.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Baby's First...Cold
My baby Olivia has a cold. Poor thing doesn't know what's going on. It scares her. I can't help feeling a bit mad at a friend who didn't inform me that her daughter was sick when I visited. I should have just left when I saw it. I guess I wasn't prepared for that. It would have seemed so rude and I was so happy to be out of the house. Then a few days later, I got sick, which was hard enough, as we are in our second week sans nanny and are already barely keeping up with the demands. But now, just as I am starting to emerge from the fog of congestion and the itchiest nose ever. (My first cold in ages that I didn't firebomb with cold medications.) Now she is sick! So she has the humidifier, even though we got it for Finn, who gets a blocked nose from the dry heater. And I need that thing too! As I am still pretty clogged up. So we need three humidifiers! Oh well, we'll survive. After taking two hours to get Olivia settled and pumping and then Olivia part two and then Finn, I can't sleep. Oh there's a baby. I knew it.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Friday, 14 December 2012
Who are you? You look like me!
They've finally noticed each other! Now they look at, talk to, and touch each other. It's the beginning of a long glorious friendship.
I'll copy this from my Facebook conversation
think sleep training is in order ASAP. With daddy away, Madison is now
refusing to be put down at night - falls asleep in my arms but when I
try to lay her in her rock n play wakes up screaming. All night long. So
the last 2 nights she slept in bed with me all night. I'm not a fan of
co-sleeping because I don't get any sleep normally and it's hard to stop
once you start (my almost 4 yr old niece still sleep with my BIL and
SIL). But...last night Madison slept through the night and didn't need
any bottles. So if she can do it in my bed she can do it in her own.
First need to figure out how to get her to let me put her down.
- Sara Garcia and Michelle Kirby like this.
- Heather Newman Good luck! So great she didn't need a bottle. I'm terrified of co sleeping. I have a huge down comforter and tons of pillows. A baby would get lost! I'm a big fan of sleep training.
- Kate Massey Yes! When I was really nearly losing it I went to the Ped and she said maybe you should do something more formal, like sleep training. So I went and got a bunch of books from the library. I adjusted my expectations and created a plan with DH and suddenly things are way better! EVERYONE is sleeping more, including the babies. I think I really didn't think they could get put down awake in their bassinettes and go to sleep and they've both done that more than once, we are still working on a bunch of stuff (cutting down on giving milk at night for example) but I'm shocked how much better things got once I educated myself, got a plan and put it into action. Ferber wasn't such a bad guy after all. I don't follow him to the letter, but I was surprised how nice a guy he seemed in his book!
- Kate Massey The sleep section of "Bring Up Bebe" helped me adjust my expectations, that book is awesome anyway, more entertaining than any other baby book I've read. And "Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems" by Richard Ferber was very informative about sleep. Like what is actually going on. There were some others I looked at too, but they're up in the bedroom with sleeping DH and LO.
- Kate Massey I mean my expectations and what they were giving me was here (hand at waist level), as soon as I raised my expectations (ie. found out babies actually can sleep well at night and that it's not just luck of the draw, which is what I thought when I saw FB posts about my baby slept this long), the babies changed their behavior, in a way that was like - wow - crazy - fast - weird. Like me and DH were looking at each other with confused looks like, what happened? They're both napping? What happened
- Nicole Porter Bowlds I also used the Feber book - and I agree with Kate Massey it was much more humane than I had heard. We had two very painful nights with a lot of fussing (babies and me too) but they have been great sleepers since! They now go to bed smiling and awake at 7:15pm, and we feed them once at around 4-5 am, and they go back to sleep until 7am! We feel like new people - I was absolutely exhausted at work and at the end of my rope when we were still getting up every 3-4 hrs to feed all night long.
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